After compiling our database of websites, we have found some similarities between sites. Most major networks and producers make TV shows available through their own websites, as well as on iTunes, Hulu, Youtube.... Each site offers only a few shows from one or two studios but content is getting better yearly. We have found video sharing sites are currently more and more similar than they are distinctive, and the services they provide will probably become more alike as they draw inspiration from one another. We also know that the user, knows what is good and what is bad and this can be found with traffic analytics.
Regardless of the coming changes, such as advertising and streaming TV, one thing will remain constant: On the Net, only a thin line separates professional and amateur content. For video sites to succeed they have to adapt and change.

To succeed, websites ("XYZ") must;

  • Be the exclusive distributor of ad-supported streaming content from major networks
  • Get 50-70% of the revenue from content providers
  • Allow syndication partners (e.g., a "XYZ" channel on YouTube) to get 5-15% of revenue
  • "XYZ" keeps 15-35% (depending on if there is a syndication partner)
  • Make sure audiences can find their content "anywhere, anytime on any screen
  • "XYZ" should focus on syndication and not waste time and money building a destination
  • Know that audiences want clever clips and interactivity and not have advertising forced upon them


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